Thermal Care、エネルギーと冷媒の使用量を削減する画期的なハイブリッド蒸発冷却システムを発売
Breakthrough hybrid evaporative cooling system from Thermal Care
The new Accuchiller TCF was developed in response to market demand for improved energy efficiency and reduced refrigerant charges. …read more
Moretto、Chinaplas 2019でアジアのプラスチック加工業者向けのIndustry 4.0ソリューションを紹介
News 09.05.2019
Moretto at Chinaplas 2019 with 4.0 solutions for Asian plastics processors
Moretto offers a wide range of smart and automatic machines, mainly required by sectors such as automotive, medical and packaging …read more
News 09.05.2019
AmSty and Agilyx launch joint venture for PS recycling
Regenyx will utilize Agilyx’s chemical recycling process to convert used polystyrene products back to their original liquid form, styrene monomer …read more
HiTi Digital、Brücknerと提携し熱転写リボンを製造
News 08.05.2019
Taiwanese HiTi to produce thermal transfer ribbons on Brückner’s line
Polyester film is the base material of choice for thermal transfer ribbons …read more
HF Group、押出技術事業をTROESTERに譲渡
News 07.05.2019
HF Group transfers its Extrusion Technology Business to Troester
Troester will maintain the Extrusion Business Units location in Hamburg and has taken over all Extrusion employees thus guaranteeing the continuity and product excellence …read more
PTi、Plastics Extrusion World Expoで最新の高密度製造のシート押出技術を紹介
News 07.05.2019
PTi focuses on “Big Power, Small Footprint” at Plastics Extrusion World Expo
PTi will showcase its latest advances in sheet extrusion technologies—Super-G® HighSPEED™ and DTS™ Compounding extrusion systems …read more