News 12.09.2019
Huntsman opens new polyurethanes systems house in Dubai
The new facility comprises a production area equipped with state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment plus blenders, reactors, filling stations, control room, offices and quality control laboratories …read more
Motorsport After
market Group、リサイクルに向けてHerbold PET洗浄プラントの運転を開始
Сase studies
Herbold PET washing unit for MAG Group from Russia
The washing plant with an output of 1500 kg per hour is being installed in Nizhniy-Novgorod at the MAG daughter company Fantastik-Plastik …read more
TROESTER、K展にて最新の90 mmのコンパクトな押出機と優れた品質のホース製造に向けたクロスヘッドを紹介
News 12.09.2019
Troester’s latest developments at K2019
The products to be displayed include a 90 mm compact extruder and a cross head that centres automatically …read more
SICA、HDPおよびPP-RやPVDFプラスチックパイプに向けた新しい電動ノコギリTRKC 160Eを発売
News 10.09.2019
New electric saw for HDPE, PP-R and PVDF pipes from Sica
Inside the new machine, every hydraulic component and every manual adjustment required in the previous versions have been removed completely, everything is managed automatically …read more
Carbon Truck & Trailer、炭素繊維強化複合材より商用車に向けた軽量のシャーシを製造
News 10.09.2019
Fiber-reinforced chassis for light commercial vehicles
Covestro supports German company CarbonTT with its Baydur® PUL system and with its expertise in optimal pultrusion processing for manufacture of vehicle parts from composite materials …read more
Grupa Azoty ZAK、新しい可塑剤Adoflex®およびOxovilen®を紹介
News 10.09.2019
New plasticizers offered by Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A.
Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. started-up a new plant and introduced specialty plasticizers Adoflex® and Oxovilen® …read more
Chemours、Southern Ionicsの子会社Southern Ionics Mineralsの買収を発表
News 10.09.2019
Chemours acquires mining operations of Southern Ionics Minerals
In acquiring the assets, the company will have additional access to large, high-value ilmenite ore deposits to produce titanium dioxide pigments …read more
KraussMaffei、Charlie Rogers 氏がケンタッキー州フローレンスで社長に就任
News 05.09.2019
New president at KraussMaffei corporation in the USA
On September 3, Charlie Rogers assumed his new position as President of KraussMaffei Corporation in Florence, Kentucky …read more