BEKUM: 用于挤出中空成型的经济型替代材料
Economical Alternatives in the Materials used for Extrusion Blow Moulding
在2017年中国国际橡塑展期间,贝克姆 (BEKUM)公司将专注于挤出中空成型包装领域最新 的动态和生产工艺。
BEKUM will be focusing on the latest trends and production processes for extrusion-blown pa ckaging at the Chinaplas 2017.
Zumbach: 适合于单层和多层产品的X射线测量技术 RAYEX® S
Measurement Technology: RAYEX® S – X-Ray Measurement Technology for Single and Multilayer Product
仲巴赫特别开发的静态X射线系统RAYEX® S可应用于任何 发泡管及硫化产品、液压管等。
ZUMBACH expand the X-RAY family for dedicated tube and hose applications.