SmartExtrusion — 2025-01-03

ABB、生成AIで業界の改善を支援するABB Ability™ Genix Copilotを発表


Helping industries do better with generative AI

Building on its long-standing collaboration with Microsoft, ABB has launched ABB Ability™ Genix Copilot


Arcadia Aerospace Industries、炭素繊維複合材ラミネートおよび構造部品市場に向けた高度な計測機器と自動化システムを開発

Case studies

Complicated connections call for automated solutions

Stäubli robot tool changers, developed for non-destructive testing system, decrease almost 100% tool change time


SIKORA、要求の厳しいペレットに最適な検査および選別システムPURITY SCANNER ADVANCED

News 26.12.2024

The ideal sorting solution for demanding pellets

Why the PURITY SCANNER ADVANCED from SIKORA has established itself worldwide on the XLPE market


NETZSCH、高温アプリケーションに向けた新しい示差走査熱量計DSC 500 Pegasus®を発表

News 26.12.2024

Brand-new instrument for high-temperature applications

The Differential Scanning Calorimeter DSC 500 Pegasus® builds upon NETZSCH’s proven high-temperature platform


CoreTech System (Moldex3D)、成形クラウドプラットフォームMoldiverse用のインテリジェントアシスタントとしてシミュレーション主導型AIのMoldiBoを発表

News 26.12.2024

MoldiBot debuts on Moldiverse, optimizing customer support

CoreTech System (Moldex3D) continues to pioneer innovations in simulation-driven AI


Hexagon、3D Systemsから検査および3DモデリングソフトウェアGeomagicスイートを取得

News 26.12.2024

Strengthening the existing software portfolio

Hexagon acquires inspection and 3D modelling software capabilities from 3D Systems



News 26.12.2024

More powerful simulations and enhanced UI

FANUC is releasing a new version (v10) of its successful ROBOGUIDE offline robot programming and simulation software


Anton Paar AMERICAS、Brabender機器専用のラボを米バージニア州のテクニカルセンターに新設

News 26.12.2024

New Brabender lab for the Americas Region

It features flagship instruments, including a MetaStation torque rheometer, FarinoGraph flour and dough analyzer, and TwinLab-C extruder


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