SmartExtrusion — 2024-08-09

Australian government、先進リサイクル工場に2000万ドルを投資

News 06.08.2024

Australian government invests $20 million in advanced recycling plant

Recycling Plastics Australia in Kilburn will clean and purify soft plastics, delivering 45 jobs


The Plastics Industry Association、フラットキャストフィルムの安全要件に関する新しい米国規格ANSI B151.32-2024を発表

News 06.08.2024

New American National Standard on Safety Requirements for Flat Cast Film

The Plastics Industry Association has released an ANSI B151.32-2024 standard for flat cast  film and cast embossed film extrusion machines


Innovia、大判容器用インモールドフィルムソリューションRayoForm™ ELR70を発表

News 06.08.2024

Innovia launches In-Mould Film solution for large format containers

RayoForm™ ELR70 is a 5-layer semi-cavitated, one side matt and one side gloss film offering a reduction is density



Case studies

Processing 100 % PCR on Reifenhäuser extrusion lines

The new Reifenhäuser Value Sheet Inline systems enable Pöppelmann the production of thermoformable films for polypropylene plant pots from 100 percent PCR


Wyllie Recycling、技術パートナーとしてTOMRAを選択しAUTOSORT™光学ソーター3台を導入

Case studies

Wyllie Recycling chooses Tomra as its technology partner

Wyllie Recycling Ltd, one of Scotland’s leading family-owned recycling businesses, has invested in three of TOMRA’s world-renowned AUTOSORT™ optical sorters as part of a £3 million upgrade


Eunomia Research、マーカーと物体認識選別技術の欧州循環型社会への貢献に関するレポートを発表


How advanced sorting can contribute to plastic circularity in Europe

A new report, researched by Eunomia Research, explores how marker and object recognition sorting technology can contribute to circularity in Europe


Schenck Process FPM、2023年9月の買収に伴い社名をCoperionに変更

News 02.08.2024

Schenck Process FPM has transitioned its name to Coperion

The transition follows the September 2023 acquisition of the companies by Hillenbrand, the parent company of Coperion


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