SmartExtrusion — 2024-03-29



Processing high filler contents at the best cost-benefit ratio

High filler content in the raw material means high wear for the screw of the plasticizing unit, so choosing the right wear protection alloy is of highest importance




Guill: New 800 Series Hybrid Extrusion Tooling announced

The 800 Series Hybrid extrusion tool greatly reduces stagnation, because overlapping layers are more inherently balanced than single layers and also because each semi-deflector is “tuned to flush”


Amcor、9年間にわたってCEOを務めたRon Deliaの退任を発表

News 25.03.2024

Amcor announces CEO transition

After nine years as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ron Delia retires from the Company and steps down from the Board for health reasons


Röhm、約90%のリサイクル材を使用したPlexiglas® proTerraソリッドシート2種を発表

News 21.03.2024

Röhm releases two new Plexiglas® proTerra solid sheets

These are solid sheets with approx. 90 percent recycled material and the proven brand quality


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