Asia版 2023年2号


管材挤出: 提高塑料-金属复合管生产新标准 持续不断提升技术合作和客户服务 / Pipe Extrusion: New Standards in the Production of Plastic-Metal Composite Pipes – Technological Cooperation and Customer/ Service are Continuously Expanded

巴登费尔德-辛辛那提公司(battenfeld-cincinnati)和 德国泰普公司(templet Deutschland) 20多年来一直 在制定复杂塑料-金属复合管的生产标准。/ battenfeld-cincinnati and Templet Deutschland have been setting standards in the production of complex plastic-metal composite pipes for over 20 years.

循环经济 : STOP项目:开拓型理念,扩大价格实惠的废 料管理和回收解决方案 / Circular Economy: Project STOP – Pioneering Concept to Expand Affordable Waste Management and Recycling Solutions

StOp项目及其合作伙伴成功地树立了重大里程 碑,展示了一种扩展价格实惠的废料管理和回收解 决方案的模式,以帮助应对印度尼西亚的塑料废料 挑战。/ Project STOP and its partners reached significant milestones in demonstrating a model for expand ing affordable waste management and recycling solutions to help address the plastic waste challenge in Indonesia.

测量与检测技术 : 木塑复合台面板完美的形状 / Measurement and Inspection Technology: WPC Deck Boards Perfectly in ShapeGlossy Surfaces

pIXArGUS,profilControl 7 DX 木塑复合材料在线检测系统,确 保在连续的在线检测过程中100%检查整个板材的轮廓。/ The PIXARGUS inline system, ProfilControl 7 DX WoodPlasticComposites, ensures 100% inspection of the entire board profile in a continuous, inline process.

质量控制 – 案例研究: CV 生产线末端的高效品质控制 / Quality Control – Case Study: Efficient Quality Control at the End of the CV Line

SIKOrA 的 X rAY 8000 产品系列为电缆生产中持续可靠的 质量控制设定了标准。/ For continuous and reliable quality control in the production of cables, SIKORA’s X RAY 8000 product family has set standards.


内容/ Content 03
本期杂志中的公司目录 / 敬请垂询 Firms in this issue / Imprint 04
企业短讯/ Branche Intern 06
Messe Düsseldorf Asia/ Plastics and Ruber Thailand /Informa Markets 06
Guill / Conventus 10
Molecor 11
Bekum / Lindner / Erema 12
Solvay 15
Mahlo 17
Clariant / Lehmann&Voss 18
Borealis / Neste / Uponor / WasteWise 20
BYK 21
SIGMA Engineering / Starlinger 22
Clariant 24
BASF Plastic Additives 25
压工具 : 应对管材挤出市场态势 Extrusion Tooling: Responding to Market Conditions in Pipe Extrusion 26
管材挤出: 提高塑料-金属复合管生产新标准 持续不断提升技术合作和客户服务 Pipe Extrusion: New Standards in the Production of Plastic-Metal Composite Pipes – Technological Cooperation and Customer/ Service are Continuously Expanded 28
挤出技术: 节能挤出- 我们怎样才能降低能源成本? Extrusion Technology: Energy-Efficient Extrusion – How Can We Lower Energy Costs? 30
压工具 : 挤压技术新发展 Extrusion Tooling: Extrusion Takes Some New Turns 32
循环经济 : STOP项目:开拓型理念,扩大价格实惠的废 料管理和回收解决方案 Circular Economy: Project STOP – Pioneering Concept to Expand Affordable Waste Management and Recycling Solutions 36
回收利用 : 印度首个 100% rPET 饮料瓶采用回收 PET 材 料 Recycling: Recycled PET for India’s first 100 % rPET Beverage Bottle 38
测量与检测技术 : 木塑复合台面板完美的形状 Measurement and Inspection Technology: WPC Deck Boards Perfectly in ShapeGlossy Surfaces 40
挤出薄膜: 使用回收物料最大限度地减少了薄膜的碳足迹 Film Extrusion: The Use of Recyclates Reduces the Carbon Footprint of Films the Most 43
质量控制 – 案例研究: CV 生产线末端的高效品质控制 Quality Control – Case Study: Efficient Quality Control at the End of the CV Line 44
回收利用 : 提升塑料再生料的质量 Recycling: Promoting Quality in Plastic Recycling 46